Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy Holidays!

Here are a few pictures of my trip home for Christmas! It was a fun but super quick trip. Can't wait to bust out my new snowshoes...if we ever get any.

Mattmiller grandkids and great-grandkids
annual picture of Checkers under the tree

Thursday, December 29, 2011


I got a treat tonight - we had a falconer come to the center and talk for our winter family camp. She brought a gyrfalcon and harris hawk. Both beautiful birds and I was excited just to see these birds. This was easily the highlight of the week for me!

female white phase gyrfalcon

harris hawk

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


This morning, I got bit by our education raven on the lip. I grabbed him to put him on the table but he is smart and quick. He managed to give me a nice cut that bled for most of the day and my lip is now a little bit swollen and bruised. It hurts.

The bad news is that both our crow and raven have avian pox. This is a virus birds get from a biting insect that causes lesions on the non-feathered parts of a birds body. Usually, corvids get over the virus without too much issue in a fairly short period of time. We can't do too much to speed along healing since it a virus, we just have to make sure the sores do not get infected. We have put in additional protocols to limit the possibility that we spread it to our other birds since it is contagious.

Fingers crossed they heal quickly!

Mob the crow
 P.S. - Don't worry, I can't come down with avian pox. I did however fill out an injury report form just in case my lip gets infected or I get sick because of the bite.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

St Mary's Glacier

Perhaps the best place I explored on my Denver trip was St. Mary's Glacier. It was off the beaten path but once we hiked up to the opening, it was AMAZING! This place is technically not a glacier because it doesn't flow but has snow year round. We rented snowshoes, walked around a bit and took a ton of pictures. They don't do the view justice but here are a few of my faves.

Fallen tree on the hike up

St Mary's Glacier

St Mary's Glacier

Love the way these trees look and had to climb one!

Sun going behind some clouds

Quick picture of Amanda and I

View of the mountains on the hike down

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Colorado Springs

My second day in Colorado, we went over to Colorado Springs after having brunch with some friends.
View from Cave of the Winds
We started the day with a lantern tour of Cave of the Winds. Basically, they give you a candle for light then take you back into the cave and tell you ghost stories. Little bit spooky but a really fun way to see a cave.

Me and my lantern

Inside the cave

more cave

After the cave, we headed over to Garden of the Gods. Again, the scenery was amazing!


absolutely amazing!

Garden of the Gods - Me and Amanda

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Red Rocks

View from the plane!
I am back to reality after my quick trip to Denver. It was a lovely but short break. I was visiting a friend and this time out, I got to see lots of naturey things. First up, Red Rocks.

At the top of the amphitheater
 This was on my list because prairie falcons have been sighted there. Sadly, I didn't see any falcons but the scenery was beautiful!


Amanda and I

Of course, I had to climb something!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Mammals Class

Check it out!!!

Its been a big week for Spike the porcupine and me! On Monday, I learned how to pick him up and today, we taught our first class together!

I taught Minnesota Mammals where the students learn all about what makes mammals special. While they were out on a hike, I got Spike into his crate and brought him inside for his teaching debut. I let him walk around on table top while I talked awesome porcupine adaptations. He did AMAZING for his first time out - even ate in front of the students :) What a fantastic way end to the week!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

That's kinda of how I feel at the moment. Like I am repeatedly running into the same wall but nothing is changing. So I have lots of crud going on in my head at the moment.

The good thing is I fly to Denver on Saturday which should provide a much needed break. I am hoping to see a few new sights and get some snow time in. Also, I am bringing my binoculars with. There is word on the street that 2 pair of prairie falcons frequents a place I want to check out. Would love to see one in the wild!

So long story short, I haven't abandoned the blog world. Just lots going on in my head and at work.

P.S. Don't worry, I will post another series of taxidermy pictures from taxidermy days soon.