Monday, June 28, 2010

Wildlife Science Center

This is a little bit late but I couldn't find my camera cord....

On the 18th, I drove a bunch of kids down to the Wildlife Science Center in Forest Lake. It is a place primarily known for its captive wolves but it also has other large mammals and a few raptors. (

At one point, a cop car drove by with its siren blaring and all of the wolves began to howl. It was one of those moments that gives you goose bumps. Below are a few pictures - I apologize for the poor quality but the chain link makes it tricky!

Black Bear


Saturday, June 26, 2010

fish and birds

This week was a busy one for wildlife.

First we had to finish putting up the mosquito netting on the bird enclosures. This was a slow job because we didn't want to tear any of the netting and have to redo a panel.

Second task of the week was to give the birds west nile vaccinations. This meant putting all of the birds on the table....including Woody. For, me this meant grabbing my first bird. Our bald eagle. It was a little nerve racking but quite the adrenaline rush. Apparently it is go big or go home around here.

The other big project was gutting fish to feed the birds. This was another first for me (I had dissected many fish for school but never actually gutted one). The DNR was out at various lakes this week gill netting fish. The ones that didn't survive got put in a cooler and given to us. Through the week, we gutted nearly 120 pounds of fish!

All in all, a very productive week :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Owl Release!

We went down to The Raptor Center today to get the 3 littlest birds beaks taken care of. While at the clinic we found out that the 5 Northern Saw-whet owlets had been released. We also returned with a Great-Horned Owl. This spring it was brought to the Audubon after it was found injured outside of Sandstone. Following an exam, it was transferred to The Raptor Center. After 3 months of rehab, it was ready to be released!

like or dislike?

Lately, I have been saying that life needs like and dislike buttons. Think of how handy it would be in various situations. Somebody says something stupid and you could just press the dislike button. The weather is fantastic, press like. I think it would be great!

Seeing as that is not going to happen, one of my co-workers gave me the next best thing. She made me signs!

Now when I am sitting at my desk, I can just hold one of these guys up. Okay, I will be truthful...The dislike sign is probably going to get a lot more use but I guess we will see!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Goodbye and Hello!

This past weekend was full of goodbyes and see you laters and a few hellos.

Friday afternoon my sister came to visit me for the weekend. I showed her around the center, introduced her to some of the critters and let her play on the rock wall. Saturday, we did the high ropes course and went up to Duluth. I had lots of fun and it was nice getting out and about!

Katie and I up on the high ropes course!

After Katie left on Saturday, I went to the centers Dinner at the Lake - Volunteer Recognition Dinner. I hung out one last time with the interns that were leaving. As 2 interns left Saturday, another 2 were arriving on Sunday. Its a little bit weird having people leave after living and working with them for so many months. In a situation like here, you get close to your fellow interns fairly quickly. The house and office are alot quieter now. It will be interesting getting to know the new folks over the next couple months!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Yesterday, an orphaned mallard duckling came in. It was a teeny little bugger but healthy and transferred to a different facility the same afternoon.

Me getting ready to do the physical

Getting ready to put the ducking in a carrier

In the carrier

Monday, June 7, 2010

creepy crawlies

Today was a day filled with all sorts of creepy crawly (and pretty) critters. During lunch, the kids found an AWESOME luna moth!!

This afternoon, I observed a class where kids learn about reptiles and amphibians. After some time in the classroom, its off on a herp's just one of the frogs they found, a spring peeper.

While they were exploring, I found a few more creepy crawlies of the insect variety.

Unknown species but it sure looks cool with its black spots and yellowy body!

A spider in its web!

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Since August, I have driven by this sign but its taken until today for me to stop and get my photo :)

intern party!

Yesterday evening, we had a little celebration for the end of the year / interns bon voyage party. We had lots of laughs and here are a few shots from the evening!

Amanda, Me and Manu

Me and Amanda showing off our matching fleeces

Friday, June 4, 2010

Catbirds and other kiddies

This week, seemed like the longest week ever and I only worked for 4 days!! I did barn stuff on Monday which was rather relaxing. On Wednesday, a school group came in. I taught the ended up teaching same group for 3 of the 4 classes they had - the catbirds. This group group was a hoot but completely exhausting. Within a few hours of arriving at Audubon, they had come up with a group chant (tweet, tweet, meow, meow). As challenging as they were to teach, I must say they made me laugh ALOT so I can't complain too much.

On our Ojibwa Hike, one of the kids found the mushroom pictured about. It was super pretty and looks kind of like a flower. One of the other interns ended up harvesting it....apparently it tastes like chicken.