Okay, heres a life (and by life, I mean work) update. As you saw with my previous entry, I have gotten up to Duluth a bit! YAY! Overall though, it seems like I have been a bit trapped in my bubble lately so much of my update will be work related. But the good news is that I have gotten quite a bit done.
For those of you who are wondering, we got back Nero's necropsy results back late last week. Turns out that he died from a degenerative heart condition. It looks like it was quick and nothing we could have done to prevent it. Its not quite so weird for me a couple weeks later but, every now and again, I still forget that he's not there and pause waiting to hear his little twitter.
Most of my time the past couple weeks has been spent making props for various Audubon classes. I have worked on at least 3 classes. While working on a tracking activity I discovered a really fun fact. Porcupine quills are regularly found in fisher scat - thats one fierce predator! I also put my dice making skills to good use and made a bunch for a new game we are going to try in our dirt class (see above).
In other fun news, our maple syruping season has just started with the first drops collected late last week. I will be sure to take some pictures once things get underway!