Well folks, everything has to come to an end and this weekend the last Harry Potter was released. Note: If you didn't know this already, you must be living in actual woop-woop.

Anyways, I saw it Friday evening in 3-D. This is the second movie that I have seen in 3-D and I am still not sure that I am a fan of the technology. Yes, the new glasses make it better but still having to wear 2 pairs of glasses makes my eyes super tired. But back to the movie. The 3-D was awesome in some scenes but overall not really necessary. I thought that it was reasonably well done but of course things were altered slightly or left out from the book. And the books were FANTABULOUS! I cried several times while reading the series finale but the deaths and fight scenes left me underwhelmed in the movie. I was dried eyed! I did get a little teary eyed though when the movie ended. I have been entranced by these characters for the past 11 years so its a little sad to know that its all over. Now, how is this muggle supposed to get her Hogwarts fix?
P.S: If any of you are thinking that a certain series about vampires can replace Harry Potter you are sorely mistaken. :)