Saturday, January 22, 2011

I'm Sick

I have been feeling run down for a little over a week now. At first I dismissed it because of being busy and having a cold. But after sleeping A TON and still feeling exhausted, I finally went to the doctor yesterday.

A consultation, blood tests, chest x-rays and 2 hours later I was told that I have pneumonia AND an ear infection in both my ears. Fan-frickin-tastic....

The doctor put me on antibiotics and told me that I should be better by Monday. The weird thing is that I just feel really fatigued and don't feel super sick. Neither my chest or ears hurt that bad. What bums me out the most is that I am sick when I have a 3-day weekend. What a waste! I have spent the better part of the past couple days sleeping. I hate being sick. Hopefully the drugs will clear this all up and I will regain my spunk.

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