Confession: I joined pinterest a couple weeks ago and have become obsessed!
If you don't know what this website is, check it out. You have virtual bulletin boards and as you wonder the internet, you "pin" things up on them. You can also see what other folks are pinning up. This has lead to me spending more hours than I want to admit looking at things - especially all the little crafty things. I have 2 main boards. The first is called "For my Someday Apartment" and is full of fun things to make when I finally get my own place. The second is "Cute Gift Ideas" which is full of things I want to make and could probably give to someone.
Today, I felt inspired so I picked a project and tried it out. Paper earrings!
Step 1: choose a piece of paper |
Step 2: glue to cardboard and seal. Let dry |
Step 3: add earring back and voila! you have a pair of earrings :) |
My finished pairs |
Next time, I am going to try and figure out a way to make them shine a bit more and maybe add a bead or something for a little more personality. All in all pretty easy. Now, lets just hope I don't waste too much time on this website :)
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