Sunday, September 5, 2010

Training and Other Happenings

I have been rather busy the past few weeks. The new interns have arrived and we have had several groups on site. My time has been split between working in the barn, helping to train the newbies and working with the groups that are on-site.

Last week, there was an Elderhostel group on-site. I drove a the group for a day and got to tour two local museums: The Hinckley Fire Museum and the North West Company Fur Post. For me it was a bit of a treat because it broke up my normal work routine and I hadn't been to either yet. Spending the day with a group of seniors is always interesting. I think I told my life story about a dozen times but had a good time. I also got to talk about cranes for a few minutes when we drove by 4 in a corn field!

 Ricing demonstration at the Fur Post

Hinckley Fire Memorial

In addition to the groups on site, I have been getting to know the six new interns. All but one is from the midwest (not a lot of diversity this year). The other is from Cameroon. It is interesting getting used to all the new noises and faces in the house. During work hours, I have been helping train the new folks in on classes and team building exercises.

A majority of the education team doing team building!

Myself, Jess and Jane on the course!

Besides working a TON of hours, nothing else much has been happening. I am looking forward to everybody getting settled in and gearing up for the upcoming school year!

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